The Cares Family is no longer operational – this website is for information only
Winter wellbeing

Winter Wellbeing: staying warm, active and connected

Posted by The Cares Family on 10th October 2019

Please note: this post is 64 months old and The Cares Family is no longer operational. This post is shared for information only

Winter can be an isolating time. For neighbours who struggle to get out, the TV can become the go-to company, and Christmas parties can feel like another universe.

That's why, over the past eight years, The Cares Family has delivered 16 Winter Wellbeing projects, helping older and younger people alike to stay warm, active and connected – to one another and to their wider communities.

Collage of winter wellbeing photos

During those eight years, across North London Cares, South London Cares, Manchester Cares and Liverpool Cares, Winter Wellbeing has led to:

  • 19,154 face-to-face chats
  • 4,318 new community connections
  • 1,670 warm items delivered
  • And over £31,000 given out in small grants to over 300 older people in our big cities.

We're proud of that proactive outreach, which doesn't just help people during the coldest period of the year, but which brings people into our wider community networks and our Social Clubs and Love Your Neighbour programmes so that older and younger people alike can enjoy the magic of intergenerational connection year-round:

If you'd like to support this work in your own community, you can donate to:

Or you can get involved in the brand new East London Cares too!