The Cares Family is no longer operational – this website is for information only
Corinne at a Liverpool Cares car boot sale

“Everyone needs to be encouraged and included whatever their age.”

Posted by The Cares Family on 9th May 2022

Please note: this post is 34 months old and The Cares Family is no longer operational. This post is shared for information only

This Mental Health Awareness Week, Corinne, 67, a Community Champion and neighbour at Liverpool Cares, explores how her community helped her to feel confident enough to just be herself.

Corinne, 67

I’ve experienced loneliness for most of my life. Growing up, I felt isolated by bad experiences in my childhood, but even as I got older I found it hard to fit in. For most of my life, in fact, I cared too much about what other people thought of me and tried to be like them to fit in. It took me years to realise that I just need to be me.

As soon as I realised that, I got the confidence to join some lovely groups such as Liverpool Cares where I feel listened to, included and welcomed by all. I have been with Liverpool Cares now for well over two years. From the wonderful activities with other golden oldies to the lovely younger volunteers who make me feel young by being so inclusive - Liverpool Cares has been a joy to attend.

I have chatted to various younger volunteers and it’s been exciting learning about their lives, I have also talked about myself, and have found myself becoming more adventurous and outgoing since joining Liverpool Cares. Everyone needs to be encouraged and included whatever age, and you know what? Liverpool Cares is a community that can do that for people.

I’ve helped out at a car boot sale which was an early start but lots of fun, I’ve litter picked by the Liverpool Cares office, we chatted and walked together in the beautiful sunshine picking up litter as we went and it wasn’t a chore at all. I’ve even abseiled off the top of the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral which made me feel so alive on the way down!

If anyone is feeling a bit down, or lonely - come along and join in. Maybe try an online zoom session to see what happens first, but I can guarantee that no matter who you are or where you come from if you come to a Liverpool Cares session you will fit right in, make new friends and have a whale of a time too.